Environmentally & Ecologically Sustainable farming 

Come Fishing Silver Perch, no license required Buy yabbies for stocking Dams, Live fishing bait. Pet yabbies for sale, School and Public Farm Tours, Yabby Farming Stock your dam with our FASTER growing yabby yabbies. Delivery Available NSW and VIC Buy Yabbies Faster Growing Yabby Yabbies for farm Dams Ask us About yabbies. Farm Tours for Schools, Grow Yabbies for Profit


Super Yabby by CSIRO

Faster Growing Yabby Yabbies for farm Dams

Back in 1998 the CSIRO Livestock Industries at Chiswick near Armidale NSW self funded a research project aimed at increasing the productivity of farms through genetic improvement of yabby stocks.

The research program was led by Dr Dean Jerry who’s vision and dedication to the aquaculture industry drove this project and had the full support of the NSW Aquaculture Industry.

The program continued under the leadership of geneticist Dr Ian Purvis to fruition in 2005 culminating in ​the release of “SUPER YABBY” stock to the commercial yabby industry.

While not reclassified, NSW DPI Fisheries determined there was enough of a difference that warranted the issue of a special permit for its culture

Of the NSW farms lucky enough to receive stocks of the Super Yabby, while most mixed it with their existing stocks, the previous owner of our farm had the foresight to keep the progeny they received in isolation thus preserving the integrity of the genetics.

Yabby Dabba Doo has a special DPI Fisheries Permit for the culture of the CSIRO Strain and while not permitted to sell live specimens, the use of the Super Yabby in our own specialised breeding program continues today